Saturday, March 16, 2013

Weeks 8-10 Ronald McDonald House, failed attempt, and Spectator Madness!

We had some big weeks.  First we made a meal at Ronald McDonald House. Second we tried to help a man pay for his groceries. (That didn't work.) Third we cheered on runners at  a 15k. One of the runners was my uncle Ben. We made silly signs and people loved em'. And we made chicken spaghetti and this really good bread. And there was this guy and his debit card wasn't working. So we offered to help him and he said no thank you. Then when we left Mommy said that that could have been our act of kindness that week.
Tilman,Grace, and me holding signs.

Tilman and Grace holding signs.

My uncle running to the finish line.

Me cooking the meal.

Grace and I in aprons.

Daddy working in the kitchen.

Me sweeping up.

All the food we made at Ronald McDonald House.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Week 7: Valentine's Day

Our family tradition on Valentine's Day is going to a restaurant for breakfast. For our act of kindness this week, was giving a rose to our waitress (we even gave her a valentine Mad Lib). She was sooooooooooooooooo glad that she almost cried. It was a joy to see her so happy. For one thing I was actually kind of shy. But after she hugged me I was super happy. The people she hugged was Mommy, Grace, and me, Maggie. I am never going to forget that day. That was one of the best Valentine's Day EVER!!!!!!!

Grace getting a hug
from our

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Week 6: Making a Meal

Maggie has apparently given up blogging for Lent....Maybe next post? Last week a family from our school had a child in the hospital. That of course hit home for us and we thought a meal would be the best way we could extend some help. Maggie helped me shop for ingredients and we all stayed up a little later than usual to chop, stir and bake! I found some really great websites with ideas for providing meals for people, but we ended up going with my usual: chicken spaghetti, fruit salad,  garlic breadsticks, and some dirt dessert. I have a feeling that making a meal might be a duplicate post this year! Meals are comforting, full of love, and one less thing for a stressed out friend to worry about! 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Week 5: Books and Birthdays

I'm filling in for Maggie this week! It's a safe bet to say that Maggie probably had fun doing our act of kindness this week. Because last week was Catholic Schools Week, all of the classes had special service projects to participate in. The kindergarten class made cards for residents of Mercy Villa, there was a book drive, a fundraiser for Birthright, and a lot of other wonderful things for the students to participate in. I feel very blessed to have my children in a school where they are learning every day ways to put their faith into action. We took advantage of all these projects this week for our act of kindness. Grace went through our bookshelves and collected items for the book drive and we collected birthday party supplies for children who are staying at a domestic violence shelter near our school. The birthday supply need was an eye opener for me personally. I had never given any thought to that scenario: a kid celebrating their birthday while finding sanctuary away from home. I'm sure wherever you are, this would be a simple but special way to extend kindness to a child and family in need on what should be one of the happiest days of the year, a birthday!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week 4: For the Birds (and Squirrels)

Grace, Sam and me made bird feeders for the birds and squirrels. We had a lot of fun.  We made 5 bird feeders. The reason we did this is because the animals are God's animals and He said He wanted His animals taken care of. I hope the birds and squirrels find the bird feeders and have a delicious meal.
Grace is making a bird feeder.

All the bird feeders.

Bird seed on the toilet paper rolls.

Penny and his bird feeder

All the bird feeders on the tree.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Week 3: Family Time

This week  our family chose names to be kinder to each other. I thought to get a Boston Cream Pie for Daddy. But the sad thing is that I wanted it to be a surprise. And Daddy had to get the cake. And Grace was really nice to me this week. This was a nice and kinder week for our family. And we had lots of fun.

A note from the mom...I guess it's hard to be too reflective when you're eight, so I wanted to add what a difference these intentional acts of kindness made this week. Our house was noticeably kinder, more patient,  and more thoughtful when we all had a special someone to be kind to that week. Did I still yell at the kids while I was rushing them out the door in the morning? Yeah, but not as often. Were the girls precious little angels to each other all week? Absolutely not. Did Sam understand or even care why his dad gave him a new Mickey Mouse dvd leftover from Christmas? Nope. But because being kind and thoughtful was at the top of the agenda this week, it really did make a difference.
Grace wrote names for us to draw.

I chose a Boston Cream Pie for daddy.

This is Grace, Sam and me eating our chocolate marshmallow
from Mommy.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Week 2: Passing Down Clothes

Me folding clothes

All the clothes

My mom 
There is a family and their dad is in the military. He is deployed. They have a son a little younger than Sam. So we asked their mom if they needed some clothes for that boy. Me and my mom sorted out Sam's clothes. Then we gave the clothes to their family. People in the army sacrifice a lot of things for all the people in our country. So we thought it would be nice to help them out a little.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Week 1: Welcoming a New Family

My  sister,Grace  welcomed  a  new  girl  by  making a card!
Even the 2 year old helped make a sweet card!
My    family   is   starting  a   year    of    kindness. So   for   our    first    week   we     made   cards   and   baked    brownies    for     a    new   kid    in   Grace's     class   and   the   new    girl's     family. It   was a     lot    of     fun! And    our    mom    cut     off    three    small    bites    for     me, Grace, and   Sam.
And    we   all    had    lots   of     fun!